Change Map Layout on Android

This feature is available to all users


Mind maps in MindMeister are fully customizable. Choose between a mind map, list and org chart  layout depending on how you want to organize your ideas. 

Explore the Layout Options

There are three types of auto-layout in MindMeister: mind map, list and org chart. 


  • Mind Maps: In mind maps, first-level topics are organized around the central topic in a radial structure. Second-level topics branch from the first-level topics in the same way. 

  • List. In this layout, topics are aligned in a single, vertical list. Second-level topics are placed underneath their parent topics, slightly indented to show hierarchy levels. 

  • Org Chart. In org charts, first-level topics are aligned horizontally underneath the central topic. Second-level and lower-level topics are aligned vertically beneath these using the list structure. 

Change the Layout of your Map

To change the layout of your map:

  1. Open your mind map.
  2. Tap any topic.
  3. Tap the Paint icon from the Action menu at the bottom of your screen
  4. Swipe left across the menu at the bottom.
  5. Tap Layout.
  6. Choose from mind map, list and org chart

    change layout.png

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