Format and Stylize Text

This feature is available to all users

Customize your text's size, font, and color to bring attention to big ideas.

You can also format text and add emojis using Markdown, a common markup language. See below for an extensive list of formatting commands.

Adjust Text Size, Font and Color

You can adjust text size, font and color for any topic with the main toolbar. 

  1. Click any topic.
  2. Click the A icon to adjust text size, font and color. 
  3. Use the toolbar to select a font, size and color for your text.

Change Font.gif

Format Text Using Markdown

You can bold, italicize or strikethrough text using markdown


To achieve the desired Text Style (left), enter the corresponding Markdown Text (right). Press ENTER to see your text in its new style.

Text Style

Markdown Text

Italic text *italic text* or _italic text_
Bold Text **bold text** or __bold text__
Strikethrough ~~This text will be struckthrough~~
Bold italics

***Bold italics*** or ___Bold Italics___

Add Emojis to Text in Your Mind Map

You can bring up a menu of available Emojis by pressing the colon (:) key while typing in any mind map topic. Begin typing the name of the emoji you'd like to add, then choose one from the menu.


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