Add Images to Topics

Basic users can access the Meister library of icons.

Personal, Pro and Business users can upload their own image files.

Personalize your mind map by adding images and icons to topics. You can choose from a variety of icons in the Meister library or upload an image from your local drive.

Add Icons or Emojis from the Meister Library

  1. Click the topic you'd like to add an icon or emoji.
  2. Click the Icons button.
  3. Browse between Icons and Emojis available in the Meister Library.
  4. Click the Color icon in the bottom-left corner of the menu to change your icon's color.
  5. Click the Position icon in the bottom-left corner of the menu to adjust the position of your icon.
  6. To adjust the icon's size, click and drag in the bottom-right corner of the icon. 

Add icon.gif

Upload an Image File (Paid Feature)

  1. Click the topic you'd like to add an image.
  2. Click the Add Image icon.
  3. Click Upload Media.
  4. Browse your local drive for the image you'd like to add.

Add image.gif


You can also add images to a topic via copy/paste.

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