MindMeister Best Practices: Collaborating Effectively

These features are available to all users

In this best practices article, we’ll explore how you can use MindMeister’s features to
improve your collaboration and work better together

Collaboration Best Practices:

Use Comments and Notes

Mind maps are an efficient means of ideation, so users generally keep map topics short and sweet. But when collaborating with multiple people, you might need more information to pass your ideas on accurately. To add extra information to your topics, you can use Comments and Notes.

Collaborators will:

  • Find it easier to follow your thought processes
  • Be able to contribute in a more valuable way
  • Be notified whenever you add a comment


Example: Using Comments and Notes in your Project Retrospective

Imagine your team has just completed an important project - it's time to collect everybody's opinion on what went well and what could've gone better in a project retrospective.

You probably already know that sharing a mind map template with your team is an efficient way to collect such information. But explaining your exact expectations to each individual team member takes time, so instead you can:


  • Use notes within your maps to add details about what information you'd like. 
  • Add comments to topics to begin discussions if something isn’t clear.

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Keeping everything within the mind map is a great way of avoiding miscommunication and adding clarity to processes.   


Our top tips for tidy but thorough mind maps:


  1. Keep text in map topics to the bare minimum - think about how you can convey the message in just a few words. This will keep your mind maps clean, clear and visual, which is everything a mind map should be.

  2. Think about any supplementary information your colleagues might need to add their own thoughts. What would you say to them if you were explaining the map in person? What questions might you ask to provoke a more analytical response? Add this in the form of notes and comments.   

Draw Connections

Ideas flow freely in mind maps - to help colleagues visualize how these ideas interlink, you can use connections. Connections are lines between mind map topics which increase clarity. They can also be customized to add emphasis or direction.

Connections make it easier for collaborators to see exactly what message you’d like to convey. Instead of being simply a collection of ideas, your mind map will become a layered web of ordered thought processes. 

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Example: Using Connections to Improve your Marketing Campaign Mind Map

Imagine you’re planning a marketing campaign for the next quarter. You’re going to have a lot of ideas about the different stages of the campaign, and the order of these is important. However, expressing order in mind maps isn’t always easy. Luckily, in MindMeister you can use Connections to draw interlinking lines between ideas, showing exactly how you went from A to B to C. 


Don't Overuse Connections!

Connections can be a fantastic feature when used in moderation but can quickly become overwhelming if overused. Remember, your ideas are key, so be wary of adding unnecessary distractions. 

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