This feature is available to all users
Use copy/paste to duplicate and insert elements into your mind maps more efficiently. Read on for a quick overview of the best tips and tricks.
To copy or paste in MindMeister, use the following keyboard shortcuts:
⌘/Ctrl+X | Cut |
⌘/Ctrl+C | Copy |
⌘/Ctrl+V | Paste |
Copy/Paste Topics
You can cut, copy or paste topics anywhere in your mind map. To paste a topic onto another branch of your mind map:
- Copy/Cut a topic with ⌘Ctrl+X or ⌘Ctrl+C.
- Select the topic you'd like to paste to.
Paste your topic with ⌘Ctrl+V
Copying/cutting a mind map topic automatically cuts/copies its child topics.
Copy/Paste Between Browser Windows
If you’re logged into your MindMeister account in two different browser windows at the same time, you can copy and paste topics between browser windows.
You can also move topics and subtopics via drag and drop.
Copy/Paste Text
Pasting plain text into a mind map automatically creates a new topic with the pasted text. When pasting longer lists, you might find it helpful to use outline mode.
Copy/Paste Images
Images copied to your clipboard can be pasted directly onto a topic in your mind map. Just select the topic and press they keyboard shortcut Ctrl⌘ + V.
Copy/Paste Links
Paste any URL to a map topic to attach a link to that topic.
Copy/Paste Styles
The style and appearance of any mind map topic can be copied and pasted to other topics. To do this:
- Select any mind map topic.
- Copy the map topic your clipboard.
- Press CTRL + OPTION + V (Windows) or CMD + OPTION + V (MacOS) to paste your map style.
The following elements are included in copied/pasted styles:
Background color
Font (style, size, family, color)
Border (color, thickness)
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